
Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well where to start with being a "Lean Green Mommy Machine." First of all, being a mommy is one of the most amazing things that any woman can ask for, but I will admit that some days it can be tough, exhausting, mentally draining, and just overall crazy! From coming home in August with a "preemie" so to speak to an almost 9 month old now, wow the time has flown and things have just gotten busier and crazier!! So like most women, I'm trying to get down in my weight, which I will admit has proven to be extremely hard and upsetting! I went from losing 4 pounds when I went back to the gym to gaining 10 which is insane I must say. Ok, ok, so all our moms told us, "Your bodies will never be the same after you have children." Wow, I knew that was true, but not having the motivation I used to post-Gavin?! I never thought that would be possible.

To top off the weight loss deal that's very hard, I'm also trying to be as green with things as possible which is so hard! I have cloth diapers that I so wanted to use all the time, but no one warned me how expensive and crazy it all could be! I bought the newborn bundle in gDiapers and they were great until I ran out of the flushable inserts. I tried the reusable gcloth inserts which proved to be a mess which drove me to buy disposables! So it was very unnerving for that to happen, then I slowly started getting other cloth diapers, did anyone ever tell you how expensive it is to build a stash?! So yes, I will share my cloth diapering trials, woes, and errors! I'll admit to you that I got pretty distraught some days, but hey you'll read about that later.

Now to the other portion of the Lean part. I will be sharing my journey to get down to my goal of weight loss and any amazing recipes I find that will help any of you with this battle! 

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. Let me tell you that I have some stories; you will laugh out loud, cry, or God only knows. Tune in this weekend for some fun! My blog will offer reviews on some of the cloth diapers, cloth diaper detergents, etc. that I've tried so everyone else won't make the same mistakes I have.

Happy Reading From,
Lean Green Mommy Machine


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