
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Feel Like Curry Chicken Tonight!

So I had great intentions to have a delicious meal of Curry Chicken served over brown rice when Clay came home tonight. Well that was NOT what happened!

I put all the ingredients in the crock pot around 12:30, went to go get lunch and head over to check on my dad after his surgery. All I could think about was the sweet smell of Curry when I got home. Boy I just worked myself up to how I was going to walk into the kitchen and be bombarded by this beautiful aroma of sweet spices. Well I drive up, getting myself ready for this aroma.....and guess what!!

I open the kitchen door and do I smell Curry?! NO!! I run to the crock pot in a panic because 4 hours later there's raw chicken in the crock pot with no smell of those sweet aromas!! My heart just sank, not only because I didn't get greeted by this smell I was expecting and I was hoping that the chicken didn't go bad. Well luckily for me the chicken was still semi-frozen! Well needless to say we have Curry Chicken for dinner tomorrow and I've gotten to enjoy the sweet aroma of Curry since then!


Baby On The Go

Man do I have a very active child! He just goes and goes, and goes some more! Hmmmm...maybe like the Energizer Bunny?! Well we are still having random Gantrums here and there! This little boy will not take naps like he used to. I will tell you that I'll be researching lots of great healthy crock pot recipes because this little guy is going to be keeping me on my feet!

If anyone ever told you that you'd lose weight once your children become mobile...I really think they may be on to something! I think that once my eating is even more healthy and I'm back into my routine of the gym, the pounds will drop because he doesn't stop the whole day until it's bed time! Even then it's a Gantrum from time to time! He'll just stand up in his crib and have his Gantrum and then finally wear himself out!

I need to figure out a way to wear him out quite easily?! Any suggestions from my fellow moms out there on how to do this with a 9 almost 10 month old?

Enjoy reading! I'm on a role now! Here's to some great blog posts soon!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Crunchy Mom

What's in a name.....

So I'm a Crunchy Mom. Yesterday I showed a house with drool all over my right boob from Gavin chewing on me and I realized that somehow during my day I ended up with 4 tiny holes in the bottom of my shirt! Luckily the people I was working with are my friends or this Crunchy Mom may have been in some trouble!

What exactly is a Crunchy Mom you may ask? Well a crunchy mom is one that has been out in public with spit up, drool, baby food, maybe some pee or poo on you! I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just one of those things that you just can't help sometimes. Being a mom just involves turning the other cheek sometimes and not caring what that person in line is thinking of the odd spots or stains on your clothes lol! Now the name "Crunchy" sounds awful, but it's really not in these terms. I mean how many of you moms have gone out like this with something on our clothes, even just thrown your hair in a quick ponytail and no make up because it's just one of those days?!

If you said no, may be lying to yourself ;o) I will admit that these days, make up has not been my top priority like it used to be. When you have a baby on the go, that doesn't really leave you much time for a lot. Now if he's down for a nap and I'm able to get my shower in, dry my hair and he's still asleep, then yes a quick run of make up is for me! But to all you fellow Crunchy moms out there! It's really not so bad being "Crunchy", sometimes there's just not enough time in a day for those luxuries I once enjoyed!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ok, so about 2 weeks ago I had my first experience with a tantrum and Gavin (hence the name Gantrum). I will tell you that Clay and I are two of the luckiest parents out there to have such an amazing baby, and no we're not biased! My mom even said I was a good baby, but Gavin is a much happier baby than I was. Well that all changed about 2 weeks ago!

Since Gavin has become very mobile, and when I say very, I mean it! There's not a waking moment that he's not crawling and getting into everything nowadays! Well because of that Gavin decided to start throwing tantrums to get his way, I will admit that he got it for about 2 days until I realized what he was doing. So in listening to all my mommy friends and my own mother, I made a hard decision and let Gavin cry it out one evening. Man was I in store for something that I never knew would be so hard....

I put him to bed right at 9 so it was nice and dark, he had a fun bath, a great dinner, etc. Well I laid him down in his crib and then the tears started, since I didn't go in and pick him up, the "Gantrum" ensued! Wow that baby has some lungs on him let me tell you! I had to call my mom about 45 minutes into his "Gantrum" and tell her, "Do you hear this?" She told me to just wait it out and go in there, give him his paci, rub his back and tell him I loved him.....and so I did this for about an hour and 30 minutes. I will tell you that it's the most disheartening thing to hear your child scream like that.

So the lesson learned was not to let him have his way!! The next night he cried for a total of 20 minutes, so obviously he was a quick learner because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to handle another night of a "Gantrum" of almost 2 hours like I did the night before. I'll tell you that he hasn't had another Gantrum since then, fingers crossed it stays that way.
