
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ok, so about 2 weeks ago I had my first experience with a tantrum and Gavin (hence the name Gantrum). I will tell you that Clay and I are two of the luckiest parents out there to have such an amazing baby, and no we're not biased! My mom even said I was a good baby, but Gavin is a much happier baby than I was. Well that all changed about 2 weeks ago!

Since Gavin has become very mobile, and when I say very, I mean it! There's not a waking moment that he's not crawling and getting into everything nowadays! Well because of that Gavin decided to start throwing tantrums to get his way, I will admit that he got it for about 2 days until I realized what he was doing. So in listening to all my mommy friends and my own mother, I made a hard decision and let Gavin cry it out one evening. Man was I in store for something that I never knew would be so hard....

I put him to bed right at 9 so it was nice and dark, he had a fun bath, a great dinner, etc. Well I laid him down in his crib and then the tears started, since I didn't go in and pick him up, the "Gantrum" ensued! Wow that baby has some lungs on him let me tell you! I had to call my mom about 45 minutes into his "Gantrum" and tell her, "Do you hear this?" She told me to just wait it out and go in there, give him his paci, rub his back and tell him I loved him.....and so I did this for about an hour and 30 minutes. I will tell you that it's the most disheartening thing to hear your child scream like that.

So the lesson learned was not to let him have his way!! The next night he cried for a total of 20 minutes, so obviously he was a quick learner because I wasn't quite sure I wanted to handle another night of a "Gantrum" of almost 2 hours like I did the night before. I'll tell you that he hasn't had another Gantrum since then, fingers crossed it stays that way.


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